FÉMIKSZ Wire Processing and Nail Manufacturing Co.


FÉMIKSZ Huzalfeldolgozó és Szeggyár Kft.

Femiksz Co.
Vaskoz Str. 6.
H-3600 Ozd, Hungary
Phone: (+36 48) 471 247
Fax: (+36 48) 478 095
E-mail: femiksz@femiksz.hu

© Fémiksz Co., 2005-2010




hard drawn steel wires  -  semi-hard drawn steel wires  -  soft steelwires

hot rolled steel wire rods  -  uncoated steelwires  -  ringed shank nails  -  wirenails

galvanized nails  -  galvanized wires

FÉMIKSZ Huzalfeldolgozó és Szeggyár Kft.


You can find the technical characteristics of our products in the PRODUCTS section of our homepage. Our pricing policy is guided by the current market trends. Our price list for Hungarian market and for export is available by e-mail or by phone.

Delivery terms for Hungarian market

Taking orders

Personally, by phone, in written form (letter, fax, e-mail).

Mr. Imre Kovacs, managing director, trading
+ 36 30 / 976-5523
e-mail: kovacs.imre@femiksz.hu, femiksz@femiksz.hu

Mrs. Maria Toth, invoicing, administration
+36 30 / 229-4211
e-mail: toth.maria@femiksz.hu, femiksz@femiksz.hu

Telephone: +36 48 / 471-247; 48 / 472-836; 82 / 589-030
Telefax: +36 48 / 478-095; 48 / 471-247; 82 / 489-539
E-mail: femiksz@femiksz.hu


On working days: from 5,30 up to 15,30 or - based on advance agreement - from 0 up to 24 hour, on every day of the week.

Tolerance in quantity

For wire products ± 0,75%
For nails ± 0,5%

Date of delivery (for Hungarian market and for export as well)

In ten days after receiving the order, or as requested by the customer.


- Invoice
- Delivery note
Upon request:
- Declaration of performance
- Certificate of quality
- Supplier's declaration


Prices available upon request via fax or email.

Payment terms

Bank transfer:


28 days delay payment: 

in case of an order for 24 tons or more.


14 days delay payment: 

in case of an order for 12 tons or more.


  7 days delay payment: 

  in case of an order for 1 tons or more.


Payment in cash or 2 days delay payment: 

in case of an order for 100 kg or more.


Payment in cash at loading: 

in case of an order less than 100 kg.


Based on agreement with the customer.

Foreign trade terms

Delivery and payment terms based on individual agreement.

Taking orders for export and offers for import

Ms. Bellérné Ostoróczki Judit

E-mail: femiksz@femiksz.hu
Telephone: (36) 48 471 247; (36) 48 472 836
Telefax: (36) 48 478 095; (36) 48 471 247
Mobil: +36 30 515 7289

Mr. Laszlo Wappel

E-mail: femiksz@femiksz.hu, wappel.laszlo@femiksz.hu
Telephone: (36) 1 361 4199
Telefax: (36) 48 478 095, (36) 1 361 4421
Mobil: (36) 30 222 86 19
